• isibhengeya

Imikhiqizo yethu

Izindondo ezinama-rhinestones

Incazelo emfushane:

How to make your Medals look luxury and extraordinary from all other medals? Creating your own CUSTOM LOGO with RHINESTONE MEDAL is a good choice. Various colors, sizes, materials ARE AVAILABL for Rhinestones, such as high end Swarovski Rhinestones, CZ Rhinestones, Acrylic Rhinestones, etc. Metal base with colorful Rhinestones will bring you a shiny/bling-bling medals to attract customers’ eyes. Why not contacting us at sales@sjjgifts.com now to get your Medals with Rhinestones?

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Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Amathegi Omkhiqizo

Ungayenza kanjani eyakhoImendlelas look luxury and extraordinary from all other medals? Creating your own CUSTOM LOGO with RHINESTONE MEDAL is a good choice. Various colors, sizes, materials ARE AVAILABL for Rhinestones, such as high end Swarovski Rhinestones, CZ Rhinestones, Acrylic Rhinestones, etc. Metal base with colorful Rhinestones will bring you a shiny/bling-bling medals to attract customers’ eyes. Why not contacting us at sales@sjjgifts.com now to get your Imendlelaama-rhinestones?


  • Izinto ezibonakalayo: die casting zinc alloy / die Struck yethusi /
  • Usayizi ojwayelekile: 45mm / 50mm noma usayizi owufunayo
  • I-logo: 2D noma 3D zombili ziyatholakala
  • Imibala: mbumbulu mbumbuluna enamel, koqweqwe lwawoti noma akukho mibala futhi futhi abuyelwe nombala nge-epoxy sticker ngaphezulu
  • Ama-Rhinestones: Ama-Swarovski Rhinestones, CZ Rhinestones, Rhrylic Rhinestones
  • Qeda: Shiny / matte / antique, ithoni noma imiphumela yesibuko, izinhlangothi ezi-3 polishing
  • Akunasikhawuko se-MOQ
  • I-Ribbon: Umbala oqinile noma i-multicolor ne-logo yangokwezifiso kuyatholakala
  • Iphakheji: Isikhwama se-Bubble, isikhwama se-PVC, ibhokisi lephepha, ibhokisi le-deluxe velvet, ibhokisi lesikhumba

  • Okwedlule:
  • Olandelayo:

  • Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha bese usithumela kithi

    Umkhiqizo othengiswayo oshisayo

    Okokuqala, kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha